Our broad and rich curriculum aims to inspire children from all backgrounds to develop a love of learning to build their knowledge and skills. Pupils in our school show leadership through being a: play leader, eco councillor, school councillor, mental health and wellbeing ambassadors and librarians. We teach our pupils to contribute positively to society.

Our eco club have worked with community and Devon eco groups and are leading positive changes to sustainability within our school.

School council have led fundraising activities to support Samaritan's purse and Exeter homeless charity.

Growing together is the culmination of living in a happy, safe and caring atmosphere; and learning in different ways. Through securing academic and SMSC development our children can become hopeful, aspirational individuals with the resilience to cope with the challenges of life.

Collective Worship reflects on the importance of relationships with opportunities to reflect on our own lives and to think of others. We build in time for prayer; to nurture endurance and hope; and encourage our children to show love, compassion, thankfulness, service and forgiveness.

Closely linking to the SMSC planning that we do in school, we promote equality and diversity through our curriculum. We do this by planning new experiences and challenging stereotypes in our choice of visits, artists, key people to study, etc.