We promote high achievement for all and encourage all children to achieve their full potential. We are an inclusive school and promote equality for all. We are proud of the relationships we develop with each individual child that enable us to identify any needs as soon as they arise, and to address them. We offer extra support for children with special educational needs and disabilities, and enrichment and challenge for those children who are more able, gifted and talented.
Different levels of support can be provided depending on the needs of the child. Most children will normally be catered for within 'quality first teaching' through the differentiation of class work provided by the teacher. However, some children may have a more specific difficulty that may be addressed through a specific intervention programme carried out for a specific purpose for a short period of time.
If the learning difficulty is more general, then the class teacher will plan a programme of extra work for the child that may involve extra adult support. This will be discussed with parents and reviewed regularly through an Individual Education Plan (My Plan). If we feel unable to provide adequately for the specific needs of the child, then we may involve other agencies for specific support eg speech therapy, educational psychology, behaviour support. We work closely with other schools within our Multi Academy Trust to support this work.
If parents have any concerns, questions or information about their child, then it is really important that this information is shared with school staff. We aim to work in close partnership with parents to ensure we meet the needs of all children. In the first instance, parents should contact the child's class teacher.
Head of School & SENCO – Donna Butler
More details about our provision for children with special educational needs and disabilities, as well as children with special medical needs, including our approach, policies, what Devon offers and other useful information is available on the First Federation website at:
SEND and Medical Needs | First Federation
SEND Information & Local Offer
Under the Children and Families Act (2014), Local Authorities are required to publish, and keep under review, information about the services and support available for children and young people who have Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND). The local offer covers provision for children and young people with SEND from birth to 25 and includes information on education, health and social care services and how to access them.
For information on local services and support for children and young people with SEND in Devon please click here:
For information on local services and support for children and young people with SEND in Somerset please click here:
For more detailed information about what additional support we can offer you and your child, please read the school’s “Special Educational Needs and Disabilities” (SEND) Information Report below. Our SEND policy outlines our commitment to supporting children with SEND at St Andrew's CE Primary Academy and can be found in the policy section of this website.
SEND Information Report Chardstock 2024
Accessibility Plan
Click here to view the St Andrew's Accessibility Plan 2021-24