Contact Details

Please use the contact details below to get in touch. Our administrators, Mrs Cloud and Miss Williamson, would be happy to answer you questions or queries. The chardstockoffice email and phone number will be your best way to contact them, or pop in via the main front entrance. If you have a particular enquiry about special educational needs, our SENCO is the head of school, Donna Butler.

Our school is part of the First Federation Trust and the Chair of Directors is Mr Alex Walmsley who can be contacted through

First Federation Trust Head Office

The First Federation Trust
c/o Blackpool CE Primary School
Newton Abbot
TQ12 6JB
Tel: 01626 244920

If you wish to receive any information included on this website in paper form (free of charge), please email the school office address with your request, or telephone the school.

Head of School: Donna Butler

St Andrew's Primary AcademyWestcombes, Chardstock, Axminster, EX13 7BJ

Tel: 01460 220534

Office enquiries: (to deal with queries from members of the public and parents) Mrs Natasha Cloud & Miss Sarah Williamson

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For maps and directions please enter your postcode in the box below.

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SENCO contact: Mrs Donna Butler