Ofsted and Performance

The school was last inspected by Ofsted in March 2024. 

Ofsted commented:

''St Andrew’s is a welcoming and friendly school. Pupils enjoy attending school and are keen to learn. Pupils and parents value the support and care that school staff provide.''

''Pupils’ understanding of the school values is evident in how they treat one another. They learn about friendship, equality and difference. As a result, pupils understand the importance of treating everyone fairly.''

''The school places a strong focus on early reading. Children learn to read as soon as they start school. In the nursery, children enjoy listening to stories and poems, and singing songs. Older pupils talk with interest about the books they like to read and their favourite authors.''

Please follow the links below to see our Ofsted reports and Parent View.

Ofsted ReportsOfsted Parent ViewSiams Report

DfE Performance Results:

DfE Performance Results - St. Andrew's Chardstock CofE Primary Academy